Artists Info - John McCaw - CODA Gallery

(American, b. 1967)


John McCaw, the oldest son of American expressionist Dan McCaw and brother to painter Danny McCaw, has been immersed in art from an early age. Sharing a studio with his father and brother has been a source of constant inspiration that has propelled John’s art far past the academic. John’s artistic background comes from the tactile nature of ceramics and clay, which can clearly be seen in the physicality of his paintings. The emphases on strong design, simple shapes, varied surfaces and sensitive color has enabled John to create well balanced visually stimulating art.


Instinct and emotion played a major role in the development of John's art. By reacting spontaneously to his paintings, John translates emotion through a non-objective way, allowing the viewer to interpret freely and to participate in the painting. By drawing their own conclusions and gaining insight into their own emotions, the artist and the viewer are able to connect on a certain level. "My paintings are a search to find and express my own voice and my own individuality. Only then can I call myself an artist."




For full resume, view PDF below


Long Beach State University - BA

Selected Exhibitions

2019 -   Long Beach Museum of Art, Auction, Long Beach CA.

Gallery 1261, 15th. Anniversary Exhibition, Denver CO.

District Three, Without Borders Exhibition, Torrance CA.2006- Salon d’ Arts, Denver, Co.

2018 -   Gallery 1261, Beyond the Object, Denver CO.

Space Gallery, Windows to the Divine- Impressions, Markings and More, Denver CO.

2017 -   Long Beach Museum Auction XV11, Long Beach CA.

District Three, McCaw Show, Torrance CA.

Huntsville Museum Gala Exhibition, Huntsville AL.

Pasadena Art Alliance Auction, Los Angeles CA.

2016 -   Anne Irwin Fine Art, Generations, Atlanta, GA.

Pasadena Art Alliance, Auction, Los Angeles, CA.

Windows to the Divine, Auction, Denver CO.

Open Studio Exhibition, Torrance, CA.

2015 -   District3 Contemporary, McCaw Collective, Los Angeles, CA.

Gallery 1261, A Friendly Challenge, Denver, CO.

California Museum of Fine Art, Torrance, CA.

Selected Publications

Peninsula Magazine, Staying the Course, January 2018

Woven Tale Press, Oct.2016

Professional Artist, Cover, March/April 2013

Studios, American Artist, 2011

Focus, China Article, May 2010


Each work of art contains elements of life, bits and pieces that reveal the anatomy of our existence. Often times my paintings suggest universal themes such as life and death, fate and circumstance, joy and sadness, human relationships, religion, graphic symbols and modern culture. These themes can be interpreted on many different levels. Whether it’s an emotional connection or a visual attraction, I endeavor to create an art that most accurately represents the purity of a unique experience. Art is the external expression of an internal emotion.



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