CODA Gallery - TODD GRAY • The Artist's Perspective

TODD GRAY • The Artist's Perspective

May 1 - June 1, 2020
Todd Gray

The Artist's Perspective

I was born in the same year that pop art (as fine art) came into the spotlight of the world and their images have had profound effects on my life and my art. The clean lines, bright colors and powerful energy were very strong influences on me. I always loved the simplicity in which pop art communicates large ideas through the simplest of means. My canvas is simple geometric cubes…very similar to the ones I grew up playing with as a child. I paint with bold colors and clean lines, on simple geometric forms and combine them with powerful design and well thought out imagery. My intention is to create my own unique and recognizable visual language. Something that is not easy to do in today’s world.


Acrylic on wood
86 x 28 x 28 inches
Acrylic on wood
32 x 58 x 12 inches
Acrylic on wood with glass
22.25 x 44 x 44 inches
Acrylic on wood
28 x 23 x 11 inches
Acrylic on wood
65 x 20 x 20 inches
Acrylic on wood
32 x 12 x 12 inches
Acrylic on wood
52 x 106 x 17.25 inches